My Cartoons are Trending on Zazzle

You’ve Got To Laugh (or Else You’ll Cry)

Sadly, I have been neglecting my blog lately as I’ve been spending all my time* designing a range of cartoon cards for my Zazzle shop.

I was really excited the other day as one of my cards was on the first page of the trending/bestseller items on Zazzle UK and as a result my sales have really taken off!

*I say ‘all my time’ – that is all my time inbetween doing actual work, watching the news, gardening and worrying!

Disclaimer: this website and post may contain affiliate links for BlueHost, Zazzle, Society6, Shutterstock, WordPress and Grammarly and if you click on a link and purchase the item or any item on that website I may get a small commission (which will go towards my Art Deco house restoration fund!)

As a result of this shameful neglect of my blog, I have discovered that WordPress blocks seem to have radically changed and I have no clue what half of them do! What’s going on!?

While I get to grips with WordPress you might like to check out my cartoons in my Zazzle store ……….


  1. This is so cool Michelle, I will have to share this link and good news with my followers in my monthly updates at the end of this month. Congratulations and your art and carts are just the thing we need right now…some laughs never hurt anyone.

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